Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, BSA!

This week the Boy Scouts of America celebrates the 100th anniversary of its founding in the U.S. A Chicago businessman, William Boyce, was inspired to establish the organization after a visit to London where he was given directions by a Boy Scout who was doing his daily good deed. I became an Eagle Scout as was my father and older brother. Our family now includes four additional Eagle Scouts, my son and three nephews. I've been to two National Jamborees (Colorado Springs, Valley Forge) as a Scout, two National Jamborees (Ft. A.P. Hill) as an adult leader, one international Scout campout (Great Britain) as a Scout, and one World Jamboree (The Netherlands) as an adult leader. I've been to Philmont Scout Ranch twice and taken canoe trips in the Quetico-Superior Boundary Waters area on three occasions. I've served as President and as Commissioner of our local Scout Council and I've been fortunate to make many lifelong friends through Scouting. God Bless this fine organization.

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